Start Up Camp – Find Your IKIGAI
“Some fish love to swim upstream. Some people love to overcome challenges.”
“Some fish love to swim upstream. Some people love to overcome challenges.”
“Siamo tagliati fuori dalle grandi fonti del nostro nutrimento e dal rinnovamento interiore. Dobbiamo radicarci di nuovo nell’universo” ― D.H.Lawrence “A common dream group” ha deciso di chiamare il loro progetto “the trees that are rooted” con la visione di formare operatori giovanili che sappiano “nutrire” i giovani in modo olistico. Questo perché credono che i …
Corso di formazione-Trees that are rooted : embracing the human outer nature 🌳 Read More »
“Recycling turns trash in new things, which is like magic!” ― Anonymous ‘Advertising the Change’ is a Training Course designed for those who are open to innovative methods in youth work and are motivated to learn about the method of creative recycling and build it in their daily work, especially while working with disadvantaged groups. 📅 …
′′ Sustainability is no longer about doing less harm, it is about doing more good.” ― Jochen Zeiyz Aeiphoria TC started from the vision to empower and support others to become more sustainable and our observation that they were youth workers wanted to make their projects more sustainable or the people who would like to make …
“Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.” ― Wayne W. Dyer Improve the quality of daily activities among qualified youth workers by integrating innovation into leading young people and volunteers. The training will also support experienced volunteers to take the next step into becoming leaders/organizers of volunteering projects. 📅 Dates: 20 – …