Programma di formazione
Mindfullness – Body Movement
🔎In this training course, the participants will explore their true selves through mindfulness and body movement practices, in order to become aware of their true needs and to create an authentic expression of themselves in their personal and professional lives. They will also learn how to use these techniques in youth work to support both mental and physical health and well-being of young people.
Condizioni per partecipare
- Vagamondo Association membership valid for 2023: Qui!
- For young people from Italy (18+ years old) with other young people from Greece, Romania, North Macedonia, Spain, Czech Republic, Hungary, Bulgaria;
- There is a non-refundable fee of 40 EUR deducted from the travel reimbursement or 20 EUR if participants use the green
- travel option and travel by (bus, train or car share)
- Il resto delle spese previste dal progetto sono finanziate dal programma Erasmus+.
All the travel costs by train, bus and public transportation for the journey and during the camp will be refunded. The reimbursement for Italians will be up to 275€

“Frequently consider the connection of all things in the universe.” – Marcus Aurelius
April 28 – May 7
Deadline to Apply: 5 March 2023
🇪🇺 Il progetto è cofinanziato dal programma Erasmus+ dell'Unione Europea. Aiutaci a raggiungere più giovani possibile condividendo questo post con persone che potrebbero essere interessate.