🏳️🌈 Active Rainbow è entusiasta di iniziare l'Inspire ACTiON Camp
🏳️🌈 Inspire Action is a solidarity project which aims for building LGBTQIA+ community in Latvia, and people from other countries are also welcome. The first camp will be devoted to getting more familiar with terms (sexuality, sex, gender identity, etc.), pronouns related to LGBTQIA+ community and a brief history of the community in Latvia. All in a non-formal setting, that is, including fun quizzes and sharing of personal stories! More information about the Inspire Action project. Each month till October there will be one camp – a day or part of the day in which we will come together, share our stories, make friends, learn in a non-formal way and inspire each other to be active citizens. The first camp has to happen virtually due to the epidemiological situation in Latvia. Nonetheless, they are excited to announce this event since there are a lot of new people who have joined Active Rainbow volunteers’ group which means more perspectives, more wonderful ideas and energy to fulfill them!
📅 Data: 27 febbraio 17.00 - 20.00 (con pause caffè)
Evento: https://fb.me/e/6jiM6hM2t
📍 Dove: Zoom
👥 Per chi: LGBTQIA+ e alleati
Potete candidarvi entro il 25 febbraio, fino alle 22.
Applica: http://bit.ly/IACT_Application
ℹ️ Info e chiarimenti: : info.activerainbow@gmail.com
Il progetto Inspire Action è stato finanziato con il supporto del programma European Solidarity Corps della Commissione Europea, che è amministrato in Lettonia dal Jaunatnes starptautisko programmu aģentūra.
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