Training Course – Aeiphoria 🌱

′′ Sustainability is no longer about doing less harm, it is about doing more good.”

― Jochen Zeiyz

Aeiphoria TC started from the vision to empower and support others to become more sustainable and our observation that they were youth workers wanted to make their projects more sustainable or the people who would like to make a green change in the world, have an idea but they don’t know how to do the first steps to make it happen.

📅 Data: 30th of September until  9th  of October 2021

📍 Luogo: Argos, Grecia

💡 Temi: Sustainable life style, develop sustainable ideas, personal growth

🗺️ Con chi: youth workers and volunteers from Bulgaria, Romania, Italy, Greece, Spain, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Latvia and Portugal

👥 Per chi: 4 participants who live in Italy and are able to speak English

🤹 Coordinatore: HOPELAND

💶 Costi e rimborsi:

Be a member of the Vagamond Association for the year 2021:

– Participants contribution for the Greek organization is : 0-50€. Contribution is related to the costs connected to the covid testing that would be needed before coming to Greece. So if you need to be tested and the test costs 50 euros or more there will be no contribution from your side.

– Food and accommodation costs are covered by a co-funding of the Erasmus+ program.

– Travel: Participants will organize their round trip from Italy to Argos, Greece, the reimbursement for Italian participants is € 245 We encourage to reach the venue with the most sustainable ways, i.e. buses and trains.

Scadenza per candidarsi: Organizziamo videochiamate con i candidati in ordine cronologico, se rientri nel gruppo di riferimento verrai immediatamente confermato.

📁 Infopack: Qui

📝 Application Form: Qui

🔴 Misure Covid: It will depend on the regulation in force in October. Be prepared to make an Antigen test before and after the project.

ℹ️ Per informazioni e chiarimenti:

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🇪🇺 Il programma è cofinanziato dal programma Erasmus+ della Commissione Europea ed è sostenuto dal ΝΑ di Erasmus+.

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