ESC – Young. Active. Solidary III 🌞

ESC in Worclaw/Polonia – Corpo Europeo di Solidarietà 🌞

“Live as if you die tomorrow. Learn as if you will live forever” – Ghandi

⭐ We are excited to invite you to participate in a ′′ Young and active ′′ ESC, involvement in local activities, youth development, education and promotion of multiculturalism. Participants will plan, prepare and create laboratories aimed at the youth of the schools as part of the Foundation’s educational programs.

📅 Data: 01/03/2021 – 31/10/2022

📍 Luogo: Warclaw, Poland

💡 Temi preparing workshop, intercultural activities, cultural education, non-formal education

👥 Per chi: Giovani residenti in Europa dai 18 ai 30 anni

🤹 Coordinatore: Fundacja MODE – Move and Develop Foundation

⭐️ Con chi: other volunteers from other European countries

📝 Dead line: 28.02.2021

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