Corso di Formazione – Trees That Are Rooted 🌳

“In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.”

John Muir

Being youth workers, we observe how the situation among young people in Europe is changing. In this training course, you’re going to explore different methods, innovative theories and educational approaches. How to improve your relationship with young people & increase your motivation to work further with young people

📅 Data: 16th of July 2021 – 24th luglio 2021

📍 Luogo: Kouty, Czech Republic

💡 Temi: Mindfulness, Outdoor Education, Emotional Intelligence, Self-awareness

🗺️ Con chi: 27 youth workers from Europe between 18 – 30 years old

👥 Per chi: 3 youth workers who are residents of Italy & 18 – 30 years old

🤹 Coordinatore: Common Dream Group

💶 Costi e rimborsi:

  • Viaggio: Participants will organise their own return trip from Italy to the Czech Republic with the support of the Vagamondo team leader; the reimbursement for Italian participants is 160€.
  • Insurance for abroad is required by the organizers, including repatriation in case of Covid-19 infection or e.g. broken leg.

Scadenza per candidarsi: il prima possibile

📓 Infopack: Qui

📝 Application Form: Qui

🔴 Misure Covid: You’ll have to make a PCR test, 72 hours before entering the Czech Republic if you don’t belong in one of the situation mention in the infopack.

ℹ️ Per informazioni e chiarimenti:

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🇪🇺 Il programma è cofinanziato dal Programma Erasmus+ della Commissione Europea ed è sostenuto dal ΝΑ di Erasmus+ Human Resource Development Centre.

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